December 3, 2008

Who goes there?

I have one very interesting thing to report about yesterday. Last night, Mark and I went to McDonald's for dinner (mmmmmmm...) and on the way home, we saw an OWL!!!!! I have never seen one "in the wild," so I was pretty excited. He was sitting on top of a road sign, looking very wise indeed.

Picture from
I wanted to take his picture, but I couldn't as it was nighttime and the car was moving and I didn't want to disturb him. Anyway, I thought that seeing a real owl doing owl things was awesome. 

The Internet still doesn't work in my room, so I am writing this from the library. It is interesting thinking of how people could see me searching for pictures of owls. I wonder what they would think. Maybe that I am a biology major. Anywhooo ('cause that's how owls say it), have you ever seen an owl in the wild before? What other interesting animals have you seen?

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