November 25, 2008

A Kiley's-Eye View

For my fiftieth post, I would like to direct your attention to a different blog. This blog is written by the lovely Kiley Adams, the youngest sister of Mark Adams, the wonderful boyfriend of me. :)

Kiley has an amazing talent for putting into words some really deep emotions. She is truely gifted in a way that may make me a little jealous from time to time. She hasn't posted much, but what is there is real and honest and wonderful. I get the feeling that, like Kiley herself, her blog will always be interesting and fresh. I love Kiley because she is always honest. If you ask her a question, she'll be honest, like it or not. Maybe I like that so much because it is a personal trait of mine, but it works out great for her as well. ;)

Another thing about Kiley is her amazing photography. She is great at taking sweet pictures, so you should ask her to post a few. Especially her collection of Ralphie photos.

I highly recommend visiting her blog. It will be worth your time. Promise.

P.S. Kiley, I hope you don't mind the commercial. I just think everyone should know about you. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha wow, cute blog.