May 16, 2008

Pride and Prejudice

Right now I'm watching Pride and Prejudice. This is one of my favorite movies because of the complexity of the characters of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. If you have not yet seen this movie, I highly recommend it.

I just finished watching the scene where Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth argue, and I have to say that this scene really makes the movie work. There is so much tension between the two of them that you can feel it. There is of course his love for her, as well as her dislike of him. The fact that the scene takes place in a thunderstorm with the rain pounding down in the background only adds to the deliciousness of it all. The scene is even more enveloping if you have seen the movie or read the book (also quite excellent) before. Then, you know the truth behind everything.

There is so much passion in this movie, which by itself is wonderful, but the fact that it is all disguised and kept under restraint with the exception of a few scenes is superb.

This movie simultaneously makes me wish I had a sister to share life with and completely happy that I do not. Thankfully, brothers are far less of a strain.

The film, like the book, is also full of witty remarks, which I love. The best movie visually is nothing, in my opinion, without a strong dialogue.

I know this post was quite scatterbrained, but this movie produces a lot of thoughts. :)

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