April 21, 2008

Walk the Line

Courtney is watching Walk the Line right now. I think it's a pretty good movie over all, but a little long. Like any good movie that has a romance even remotely implemented, there are some great lines.

Better than any of the lines, though, is the song "Ring of Fire." I love love love that song, and the music that accompanies it. Quite possibly my favorite song in the movie is "I Walk the Line." I may have forgotten about it at first, but upon further consideration, it replaces "Ring of Fire."

My cousin Courtney likes the song "Jackson," and if memory serves me correctly, she does a mean rendition of it. It's pretty awesome. :)

That's all for tonight. I just wanted to share those thoughts and encourage everyone to check out the movie.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout out...it was pleasantly surprising! I added a blog b/c of you! Yay!

Katie said...

I can't wait until you start posting on it! It has a sweet name and tagline, by the way.